Sweetness in ALL Seasons

Sweetness in ALL Seasons

God is so good to us. He gives us beautiful flowers to enjoy.  Is there anything sweeter than a gardenia?  I love my gardenia bush and enjoy it every summer.   Gardenias, Magnolias, Hydrangeas, and Mimosas will always remind me of my childhood.  Isn’t this...
New Hairdo with some Sugar on top~

New Hairdo with some Sugar on top~

Well, it has been a long time coming!I haven’t really had a hairstyle change in YEARS.   In the 80’s I had bangs, but bigger hair — taller on top — wider on sides.It took me a long time to get away from the BIG hair and go...
Dreams DO come true!

Dreams DO come true!

Just a quick update to let you know where I am.  I have been on track with eating healthy foods for two weeks.  No chocolate, no pinches of cookies, ice cream, cake, or pre-processed foods (other than some cheese).  I guess the only naughty thing...
I felt broken last night …

I felt broken last night …

I attended a memorial service for my ex-sister-in-law yesterday.  She and my brother had their share of differences over the years, but she was always kind to me.I mourned for a woman who had her share of difficulties.  She had diabetes and endured a leg...
What is behind YOU? Stop looking at it!

What is behind YOU? Stop looking at it!

Today I was needing some confirmation from the Lord and in His kindness He led me to Philippians 3:13-16.What great advice our brother Paul shared in Philippians!Philippians 3:16Only let us hold true to what we have already attained and walk and order our lives by...
I’m not a Stalker … I promise!

I’m not a Stalker … I promise!

Do any of you remember the first time you discovered on Facebook that you could actually talk to people that you have held in high esteem, but never met?  I was thrilled when I saw some of the authors and ministers that I admire on FB! Well, this morning I...