Weight Loss Journey

Weight Loss Journey

You all know I’m as transparent as they come, so here we go … WEIGHT LOSS Overall I feel I am handling the extra responsibility of my parents well — considering the situation.  I spend almost every day going back and forth between my Dad’s home...
Police at my door!

Police at my door!

I originally posted this story April of 2010, but I stumbled upon it again and thought it would bring some new readers a smile. Have a blessed Monday everyone!  Enjoy! I wouldn’t be a good blogger if I didn’t share what happened at our house this morning....
I can’t figure it out …

I can’t figure it out …

In front of me are piles of folded clothes.  They won’t put themselves away. My daughter is walking around in one of my satin gowns (princess gown to her), dress shoes, and a bag of Doritos.  I love the innocence of childhood.  She doesn’t have a care in...


Yesterday my little one (who will soon be 6) wanted to do something fun.  As I tried to decide what we could do that would be inexpensive and something she would enjoy, the morning began to escape us. After two long phone calls and a shower, it was almost noon.  Does...
A Good Man, a Brothel, Mom, and Skinny Kids.

A Good Man, a Brothel, Mom, and Skinny Kids.

I watched the MOST DISTURBING documentary last night!  It was entitled, “A Good Man.”  A story about an Australian farmer who married his girlfriend who while pregnant suffered a stroke and became a quadriplegic.  So far it sounds...