In front of me are piles of folded clothes.  They won’t put themselves away.

My daughter is walking around in one of my satin gowns (princess gown to her), dress shoes, and a bag of Doritos.  I love the innocence of childhood.  She doesn’t have a care in the world and is LOVING having a morning at home for a change. 

My father wants me to grocery shop for him so our morning at home is coming to an end.

I am REALLY hoping to avoid a trip to rehab (praying the guilt won’t drag me there).

With the busyness of things that are just a necessity right now, I am determined not to just tread water but be an OVERCOMER and a CONQUEROR.  

I was reminded this morning as I shared with someone else that OUR FEELINGS do NOT always represent the TRUTH.  

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart,

And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.

My daughter memorized this scripture yesterday at church and it has really been a sweet reminder to me.

I can’t lean on my own understanding.  How can I even TRY to figure out what tomorrow holds?  How will my parents receive the care they need?  How, what, when, and where?  I have a bunch of questions, that’s for sure.  How can I be there for them AND have time for my own little family.  I must find balance in it all.  (Pictures were taken when we saw Cars 2 this weekend – 3D.)

I love the Lord and I do acknowledge Him in all that I do.  I know that His Word is TRUE.  HE WILL DIRECT MY PATH.

Is this a reminder for any of you as well?