Beauty and Wrinkles

Beauty and Wrinkles

I am linking with the beautiful Faith Barista, Bonnie Gray, to discuss how I find beauty in every day life. It is easy to look at God’s creation around us and see His Hand. It is also easy to see beauty in the innocence of our sweet child. But what about finding...
POWER words!

POWER words!

There is something POWERFUL about the blessing of a parent over a child.   This beautiful gift has been lost in this culture. Today,  I heard words from my Mother that I may have “heard” before (though I don’t remember my Mom ever saying this), but...
I can’t figure it out …

I can’t figure it out …

In front of me are piles of folded clothes.  They won’t put themselves away. My daughter is walking around in one of my satin gowns (princess gown to her), dress shoes, and a bag of Doritos.  I love the innocence of childhood.  She doesn’t have a care in...
A downer post, but this is on my heart …

A downer post, but this is on my heart …

I’m sure you all are growing weary of me writing about my Mom, but as always — I share whatever I’m going through on my blog.  I can’t help myself.I thought if I could get my Mom to a facility where she could have 24/7 care I would have...
A Sweet Time

A Sweet Time

Last night was very exciting!  Joan Fitzgerald (a sweet friend who our Princess calls “Nana Joan”) is leading healing meetings at our church for three nights.  If you are local, you really should come Wednesday night!  Contact me and leave...
Sweetness in ALL Seasons

Sweetness in ALL Seasons

God is so good to us. He gives us beautiful flowers to enjoy.  Is there anything sweeter than a gardenia?  I love my gardenia bush and enjoy it every summer.   Gardenias, Magnolias, Hydrangeas, and Mimosas will always remind me of my childhood.  Isn’t this...