Close to my Beloved

Close to my Beloved

Bonnie Gray, the Faith Barista, asked us to share a moment we felt close to God recently. Ok, it is the “RECENTLY” that is stumping me. Do I see God’s grace and Hand in every day life?  YES. Do I love Him?  YES. I KNOW I am close to Him because He is...
I need to be in 3 places.

I need to be in 3 places.

I finally did it! Though I feel the need to check on my parents each day, I MADE MYSELF stay home one day!  Yes, just ONE day out of 7, I stayed home the entire day. Since June, my house has been sorely neglected.  I try to keep the beds made on most days and I make...
Beauty and Wrinkles

Beauty and Wrinkles

I am linking with the beautiful Faith Barista, Bonnie Gray, to discuss how I find beauty in every day life. It is easy to look at God’s creation around us and see His Hand. It is also easy to see beauty in the innocence of our sweet child. But what about finding...
I need you!

I need you!

We need each other in this life. I am convinced that one of satan’s tactics is to isolate us from those who love and encourage us. HEART-FRIENDS Heart-friends are formed over years of life together; births, deaths, and everything in between. Years ago when God...