We received a lovely Christmas present.  December 26th we awakened to see this:  SNOW

Here is my hubby with our faithful dog, Peanut.  His tail is wagging so fast it looks like a blur.

Teaching our Princess how to throw a good snow ball.

Little snow princess.

We visited our friends and Princess was able to gather their chicken eggs.

Here they are in the “goat” house.  Red light is a heat lamp.  Sorry about the color in the pic …

We really want to get some of these goats ourselves.  Princess and I are trying to convince her Daddy to succumb to our wishes.  Ha.

Christmas Eve at our church, one of our pastors told the Christmas Story.  Our daughter was right in front of him.

I pray everyone had a wonderful Christmas.  I will hopefully be writing again soon!  God bless & Happy New Year!