May I just write about Jesus for a moment?

Isn’t He wonderful?


He is my HOPE.


He is my Rock, my Fortress. I trust in Him.

He is the Lion of Judah, the Rose of Sharon, the Prince of Peace.

He is my Shield and Defense.

He is my LORD, my Hiding Place.

Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God.

He is Emmanuel! God with us!

He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

He is my Healer!

I know Him as these wonderful Names because of what He has done for me.

When I thought I had no hope, HE WAS MY HOPE.

When I was bound by demonic oppression, HE WAS MY DELIVERER!

When my body needed healing, HE WAS MY HEALER.

HE continues to deliver and heal in areas of my life. What would I do without my Lord?

People who are on the outside looking in would call me a Jesus Freak, but I love my Master, Savior, King.

He is the one who broke the chains off of my wrists so that I could raise my hands and worship Him.

He is the one who removed the chains from my ankles so that I could dance before Him.

He places a BANNER of LOVE over me. He replaces the old banners that were given to me … now LOVE LOVE LOVE.

He is faithful. When I didn’t feel I could trust anyone else, God was faithful!

How can I be in love with someone I’ve never met face to face — yet I have met face to face?

I yearn to spend time with the Lord.

My spirit is wooed by His Spirit.

I want to be more like Him. I want to please Him. I want to have His aroma on my life.

I want to be used by Him to set the captives free.

I love Him.

Do you know Him?

He died for you.

He took your sins upon His back.

He took your shame.

He took your guilt.

With Jesus, you can approach the throne of God — forgiven and covered.

He tore the veil for us!

He loves YOU.