There is a craze going on with the kids right now called PLANKING.  Strangely enough, I’ve seen some shots of adults here and there too (ha), but mostly kids.

What is planking you ask?  Planking is laying down on your stomach in an uncomfortable position and having someone take your picture.   I have seen one web site refer to planking as a REAL LIFE MEME.  We bloggers know all about Memes. 

If you have a teenager or are associated with any on FB or other social networking genres, you have probably seen the strange pictures.

There are others who find great offense to planking due to some deeper roots behind this term.   I am SURE none of the kids enjoying this strange behavior have a clue why some are in an uproar about it.   But sensitivity is real and this is why:

When African slaves were brought over in ships, they were forced to lay on their stomachs, face down.  Their wrists were chained to their ankles.  Some were even stacked on top of each other and many didn’t make it.  The ones who did were covered in bodily fluids.  I can’t imagine the inhumanity of it all.  Just sharing that detail disgusts me and makes me want to weep.  Why face down?   I can’t imagine the horror those innocent people endured.

As if they weren’t in a horrible situation anyway! 

So what is great fun for some is a painful reminder of history to another.

(Sad to think that slavery is STILL happening today with human trafficking!)

Like I said, I am sure NONE of the kids/adults participating in planking ties any of this back to the roots of slavery.  I have seen people from all races doing this.   They are just participating in this crazy picture game to see who can out-plank the other.

I wanted to share both views.

Of course to end this on a brighter note, my friend Jan said, “We often plank every Sunday at my church” and she meant they fall on their faces before the Lord!  That is the sweetest of all planking of course.

Now you’re informed.  When you hear the term planking, you won’t be left scratching your head and saying, “Huh?”

Photo of planking kid credit

Photo of slave ship credit.