
Yesterday as I scrolled through my news feed on a popular social site, I saw a painting that my friend Leslie painted.   It was of Moses standing at the edge of the water on dry land.  His hands were raised high and the waters were parted and standing like walls on either side of him.   In the distance the Egyptians were heading towards him.   Immediately I kept thinking, “What did Moses see?”

I haven’t been able to shake that question since I saw that painting yesterday.

So here I sit … okay … what did he see?

Moses was a blessed man, but it wasn’t easy for him.  He was protected as a baby as he floated in a basket and taken in by the Pharaoh’s daughter and raised as a prince.  But he spent many years on the run after killing an Egyptian for beating a Hebrew brother.

The day came when Moses met the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  The Great I Am!

He was given directives from God that were more than any man could have done on his own.

Exodus 3:14
God said to Moses, “I am who I am.  This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”

What did Moses see?

What was it like to see the burning bush?

What was it like to look Pharaoh in his eyes and watch the magicians mimic the signs that God performed?   Did he see the demons in the eyes of those who opposed the people of God?

What were the cries like when all of the firstborn were killed — except for those who were covered by the blood of the passover lamb?

What did Moses see when he looked into a strange wilderness as he led the Israelites out of bondage?     What was the cloud by day and the fire by night like?  How could something so miraculous and holy become common place?

How did the manna look when it appeared on the ground?   How was it to see a throng of people gathering and eating a holy food supernaturally provided?

What did he see when he approached Mount Sinai?    What did the heavenly trumpet blast sound like?  The people trembled!  The mountain trembled!   Moses walked up that mountain though others (other than Aaron) would have died if they had even touched it.

What did he see?

What was it like for Moses to see the Promised Land from afar after many years of leading the rebellious people?

We so often read the Bible, but how often do we put ourselves into the story?

I can’t imagine God calling me to stand as He called Moses.  I can relate with Moses when he made excuses as to why he couldn’t fulfill what God asked him to do.    I’m sure I’m not alone in this.

God bless you today!

(photo credit)