My family and I live in an area that was once considered “country” but now there are houses where crops once stood.  We actually live in the CITY LIMITS on one of the few remaining farms in this area.  

My father-in-law was a tobacco farmer, so my husband was raised farming.  I was from a rural area, but trust me — I AM NO FARMER.  My Daddy always had a garden and some animals, but that was my exposure to country living.  People just assume that since I live on a farm that I’m a farmer too.  Uh, nope.  Sorry to disappoint, but I am more acquainted with the grocery store than I am “canning” my own vegetables.   :o)

I put all of this out there to make this point:  Even though I’m not a farmer, I understand the law of sowing and reaping.  It should make sense to even the most “urbanized” person that they can’t have a crop of corn unless they plant corn seeds, right?

Well, the Word of God is clear about reaping what we sow:

Galatians 6:7-8
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.  Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. 

This scripture sounds like it is only referring to our final destination — heaven or hell.  But we also reap what we sow while here on earth.

If you sows seeds of discord and destruction, you will see those seeds grow a crop within your own life.  If you plant seeds of forgiveness, love, and kindness — you will see the same manifest towards you.

Maybe you only see negativity all around you.  What are you sowing in your thought life?  Yes, I believe our thoughts are seeds as well.  Doesn’t the Lord instruct us concerning our thoughts?

Philippians 4:8
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

There are always reasons WHY God instructs us in His Word.  He isn’t trying to be a cruel taskmaster, but instead wants to protect us.  There ARE consequences when we foolishly disobey, but we bring it upon ourselves.  That is why it is imperative that Christians KNOW the Word of God.  How else will we know if we are believing or living in a manner that goes against His Will?

In the same manner, we WILL reap a harvest from wise choices as well: 

Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

The Apostle Paul encourages us to not become weary or give up.  Do you remember my post the other day about straining and pressing FORWARD?  God understands what we are up against in this world.  That is why He fully equipped us with His Spirit and with His Word.  

Please don’t leave your bible sitting on the table — collecting dust.  The Words contained within are your SWORD.  They are LIVING and ACTIVE.  

I pray this post will spur you to pick up your bible and begin to read.  Search your heart to see what type of seeds are being sown in your life.  It is not too late to change the type of seeds you’re planting.

Happy sowing everyone!  May you receive a bountiful harvest of blessings!