Oh, you guys are going to love this Vlog. First, let me tell ya that I’m linking with Tim at Fort Thompson for his Vlogemotion carnival. Second, my buddy Nan at MomstheWord informed me that she didn’t know we had cows (as a matter of fact, Tim said the same thing) and wondered why she hasn’t heard any “mooing” in my vlogs. So Nan, in your honor — I have recorded some MOO’s. (The cow whose “mooer” got stuck is named Mabel. We bottle fed her when she was born). Third, for my non-blogger friends — pause my playlist at the bottom of my blog so you can hear the cows.

Tim decided this weeks theme would be SURPRISE! Well, even though I didn’t plan it, the bull continued to SURPRISE me. So I guess this falls in line with Tim’s theme, right?

Now, just so you know: The BULL, the BIG BLACK BULL kept trying to put his head in the Kubota with me! You couldn’t see him on camera because I kept freaking out and pushing the pedal down to escape. His head is as big as my torso folks. I am terrified of the bull. So EVEN THOUGH I FORGOT to mention my emotion on film, I think it is safe to say IT WAS FEAR while I was recording my vlog.

Enjoy a good giggle. BTW … my daughter is not calling “Daddy” she is saying “Reddy” … her name for a cow we call Red. Also, there is a very suspicious sound as my daughter bursts into laughter. I’m not sure if it was her or a cow. Hmmm. Sorry. lol

For more posts (that most likely will not contain cows or obscene sounds) visit Tim HERE.