Happy belated birthday to me! I know, I know. My birthday was July 19th, but my presents arrived today! I took my birthday money (along with some of our own) and finally purchased matching night stands! We’ve only been married almost 20 years folks.
Before you see the “after” pictures with our new nightstands … here is a BEFORE picture of my husband’s side of the bed. See the stack of magazines and books? Aren’t the cords and wires lovely too? (Grrrrrrr.) And the 1989 quilt rack is now behind our door. We use those quilts so I need to keep it in the room.

This morning I took my wonderful WalMart gift card that I won from Stephanie at Life is a Miracle and purchased two new lamps! Yay! Thanks Stephanie! They look lovely on my new nightstands. Woo hoo! Feel free to click on the pictures to enlarge them.

All of the books that my dear husband had stacked on his table by the bed are now neatly hidden in the drawers on his side of the bed. YAY me (as Mimi’s daughter at He & Me + 3 says)! And look, no cords or wires!

So dear Nan at Momstheword, you can consider my “cleaning frenzy” assignment complete! I didn’t paint, but it looks 91% better than it did. I can check off that assignment now. Oh dear … now the office. That is my official junk room!