I’m joining one of my FAVORITE memes today!  Gypsy Mama gives us a topic and we write about it for 5 minutes.  Nothing rehearsed, nothing planned.  Just write and see what flows.  No editing or critiquing.

Today’s topic:  GROWING

Start: 7:53

Yesterday I did one of my favorite yearly rituals.

I began to raid our grapevines.  I peeked under all of the heavy growth to see if there were any brown luscious muscadine grapes waiting for me.  I even took pictures on my iPhone which I will add.

It was amazed at all of the heavy greenery because just a few short months ago those same vines were cut back to sticks!

Plants need pruning and we do too.

Are there areas in your life where you aren’t growing spiritually?  What needs pruning?  God is the Master Gardener in our lives (or should be).

So many of us get stuck in areas of woundedness because we nurse those wounds and let them weep pain, anger, and bitterness all over the place.  We can’t grow when a wound is full of unholy infection.

How do we allow the pruning?  We cry out to God, seek His Face, and read His Word.  We ask Him for forgiveness and we ask for the blood of Jesus to cover our sins.   Then we pray for His Holy Light to cauterize those wounds so that complete healing comes in Jesus’ Name.

Wow, the growth on our grape vines is tangible evidence of what pruning can produce!  The fruit is hidden within the growth.  Pruning may not feel great.  It may cause oozing, but others will enjoy the fruit of your hard work with the Lord.

Stop: 7:58

I want to add a scripture to explain the healing LIGHT (His beams) I referenced concerning wounds:

Malachi 4:2
But unto you who revere and worshipfully fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings and His beams, and you shall go forth and gambol like calves [released] from the stall and leap for joy.

For more 5 Minute flowing, click on Gypsy Mama’s button below.

Have a great Friday everyone!  (And THANK YOU for still coming and commenting though I’m “missing in action” right now!  I love you and I love your comments.  Thanks for visiting even though I can’t return the favor right now.  I have already responded to at least 600 corn maze emails in the past few weeks.  Busy girl.)