Today I am linking with The Gypsy Mama for 5 Minute Friday.  She gives us a topic and we write for 5 Minutes.  No critiquing, so editing … just writing.

Today’s topic is TIRED.

Start 6:22am

I am not tired, I just want more of God and I want to spend more time with Him.  I desire to know the hidden, secret things and to walk in realms that I can’t see with my natural eyes.

God’s Word states that we are seated in heavenly places with Jesus.  I desire to walk in that revelation.

I need clarity in some areas and I am looking for the answers.  I need direction and wisdom.  God will be unfolding my future and direction before my eyes in the next few months.  I am thankful.  I just pray I have eyes to see it and don’t miss His gentle nudging.

I am not tired per se, but am more than ready to be moving forward again.  I know God allows us to be in a certain place to prepare us for the next leg of the journey.  I pray I am learning my lessons and growing deeper roots to tap into the Vine.

More of Him.  That is my desire.  I want to be used by Him more and more.  My friend and I were discussing our heart’s desires yesterday and I barely realized how much I had pushed my original desires back because of insecurities (I suppose).  Wow!  That just dawned on me.  When I was told that women couldn’t preach, something in me was quenched and I JUST realized it while I was typing this.  Hmmmm.  I retreated into a shell.  Deep into the shell … waiting for permission to come out.

I’m not tired.  I am excited!  I am excited that Christmas is approaching and that this is ONE holiday where the name of Jesus is heard in spite of the worlds wishes to make it about Santa or “Happy Holidays.”  The Truth stands and Christmas is proclaimed.

I am excited about the future.  Not because of what we see in the natural, but because our Lord is preparing His Body for His return!

Stop:  6:27am

Have a blessed Friday everyone!

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