Well, today is the day! I did the drawing last night so that you could know first thing this morning! I wish I could give this to each one of my friends. (You MUST read to the end of this post … there just might be a surprise for you.)

I know I said I was going to give away ONE blog makeover, but I just can’t do it!!! I decided to give away FOUR! Yipee!!!!

Drum roll please …………..

The first winner: Debra at Clothed with Scarlet

The second winner: Deb at One Single Minute

The third winner: Nancy at Southern Lady

The forth winner is: “Mom” (hee) at Momstheword

Congratuations ladies! I pray each of you will be thrilled! I can hardly wait to see how Tara’s creativity will flow with your choices of colors, etc …

Here is Tara’s button. Click here and start your new layouts my friends! Tara is expecting you.

Blog Makeovers by Tara

Ok, here is the big surprise. I told Tara I hated not giving a makeover to all of my friends — so she said she would GIVE MY READERS A GREAT DEAL of $10 a layout! This is incredible! So, even if you didn’t win a free makeover, YOU DID WIN a great deal! :o) Congratulations! Just let Tara know you’re one of my friends.