Well, I have learned some painful lessons today. You see, I have avoided the scale for months.

LESSON ONE: Get on scale each morning!

Since Valentine’s Day, my love affair with chocolate has gotten out of control.

LESSON TWO: I can’t eat like I want to eat and still lose weight or even maintain weight!

When mother-in-law brings a pound cake EACH WEEK (even though we’ve asked her NOT to bring them), give it away ASAP. Make someone else fat instead of myself!

LESSON THREE: It is better to GIVE (fattening foods) than to RECEIVE. Ha.

Before I get too disgusted with myself, I know that the white flour I’ve been allowing back into my life has made me retain some water. I will weigh again in a few days.

LESSON FOUR: I must continue to drink water to flush out my body. I haven’t been drinking enough water lately. That really does make a difference.

I need to get back on track — start sowing seeds in the Spirit and stop sowing seeds to the flesh.

Galatians 6:7
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

I’m glad I got on the scale this morning. I knew I needed to see the fruit of my choices.