Did you hear me scream yesterday morning, oh I don’t know — around 8:15 EST? Well, surely my neighbors did … at least the cows could have heard. Ok, so I didn’t scream out loud, but if brain waves could impact those around me — BAM!

Here are my list of excuses: I had some female stuff going on a few months ago. It totally got me out of the habit of working out, because I couldn’t work out at that time. It has been a good couple of months since I have worked out. STRIKE ONE!

Here comes the next excuse. Even though I have been eating healthy for over a year now, I have allowed myself the pleasure of chocolate. As a matter of fact, when I did the “Not Me Monday” meme — it provided great blog fodder — my pure obsession. Folks, I’m serious. It is an addiction, obsession, lust … LUST FOR CHOCOLATE. STRIKE TWO!

Well, as fate would have it, I found some DELICIOUS whole wheat rolls that I could serve with our meals. For over a year, I have pretty much cut out bread except for at breakfast. I have been slipping more and more WHOLE WHEAT bread into my diet. STRIKE THREE!

Now, the worst thing a person can do is avoid the scale. It really holds me accountable and helps me stay on course. Guess what? I haven’t weighed in weeks, well — until yesterday. Hmph! Folks, I am up a few pounds. Nothing drastic, but it got my attention.

Oh I forgot to mention the cakes, cookies, brownies, and pies that my MIL constantly brings into this house (though none of us need them). I taste a little here, nibble a little there. I AM TICKED!!!!

I, Beth _________ (sorry, too many weirdos in the world to give my last name – ha), being of sound mind, PROMISE to stop sabotaging myself! I am worth it dag nabbit!!!! I have worked too hard to stop now. I haven’t even reached my goal. I still have a good 30 pounds to lose.

So here is my pledge. Since I can’t seem to handle chocolate like a reasonable human being … I am going to leave it alone. (I’m shaking at the thought – ha.)

I also plan to drink my water again (Did I forget to mention I haven’t been drinking much water?)! I guess that is STRIKE FOUR!

God help me — I need to find time to exercise again.

So there you have it. Stay tuned to hear how this weight is going to melt off. But I guess I can kiss the “Fabulous and Fit by Fall” challenge to the curb. Hmph.

{Just a “p.s.” here. I typed this post yesterday and scheduled it for today. I hopped on the scale this morning and I am already down almost 2 pounds. I ignored all bread and chocolate yesterday. I ALSO DRANK MORE WATER.}