Today I get to link up with Lori at Lori’s Reflections who is hosting Thankful Thursday for my friend Iris. Lori chose to write about SECURITY this week.

I am thankful for what sense of “security” we can have in America. There are so many places where people awaken to bombs or gunfire each day.

I am thankful for where our true security lies — with our Lord!

I am thankful that He is my Stronghold, Fortress, Deliverer, and Rock. His footing is secure and unchanging.

I am thankful for the security I can feel as a child of the King! I am the HEAD and not the TAIL. I am ABOVE and not BENEATH. Though the enemy comes at me from one direction, he must FLEE from me in SEVEN — for no weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against me shall be refuted. Ok, I have to calm myself down and get back to the list — hee hee.

I am thankful for the secure feeling of being known in places that I go. It is a great feeling to have familiar faces around.

I am thankful for the peace and security that I feel with my husband and daughter. Such sweet blessings.

My peace and security come from my Lord. For that I am truly thankful.

Bless you all today!