I am thankful for so much! My family, friends, church, home, health … so much! But right now I just have to thank God for last night!

We sell Christmas trees here on our farm. Since Thanksgiving, I haven’t been able to attend Wednesday night intercessory prayer at church because David couldn’t leave the tree lot to watch our daughter. My heart yearned to be there, but my hands were tied.

Finally last night I was able to go! Hallelujah! Oh, I have no words to describe how REFRESHING it was to be in God’s presence in such a high level of corporate worship! I literally felt like I was standing under a water fall of living water. I didn’t realize how parched I was until I was splashed with that heavenly liquid.

So now, I am refreshed, on FIRE, excited, and the flame within my belly has been fanned. I am ready to face a new day.

I AM SO THANKFUL for Pastor Taylor Stewart! I am thankful for his fire and passion for Jesus! I am thankful to have a senior pastor who has a heart for intercession and is FREE to walk in his calling. I am so thankful King’s Park International Church!

I’m thankful for God’s love, His wonderful Son, and the Precious Holy Spirit.

Please visit Iris to read more Thankful Thursday posts.