Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Moms out in blogland!

I really had a great week leading up to Mother’s Day.  My daughter’s sweet teachers had a Mother’s Day “tea” for us.  My princess is the 4th one from the left on the bottom row.

They sang several songs for us:

The teachers asked her questions about Mommy:

Here is the grand present from my Princess.  She painted a self-portrait!  Precious!

My sweetheart sent me a dozen roses … allowed me to attend an AWESOME Christian conference, then had a special night planned for me late Saturday night.  A wonderful “leading” to Mother’s Day.

Now, as for the day itself, I’ll write another post.  Coming soon …
I pray everyone has had a wonderful day.  For those of you who yearn to be a Mommy — I still remember your pain and I pray you will feel God’s arms holding you.  He captures your every tear in a bottle.