Woo hoo! I won the Sweet Mom Award! Awwww, what a blessing — especially after my last post confession!My dear friend Tardevil at Confessions of a 40-something Mama Queen just gave me this awesome award! For someone who prayed for years to be a Mommy, this is such a treat!

According to Tardevil: This award was originally passed on by “Wibeche” from ourdreams-wr and she is located in Norway. We’re passing around an international award! I don’t read Norwegian, but I’ve been told that it means:

“This is an award for being a wonderful Mom
You do fantastic work
Be proud of your accomplishments!”

Since most of my precious bloggy friends have EARNED this award, I want to present it to each of you! Thank you Tardevil! Enjoy this beautiful award my friends.