See the beautiful arrangement of gardenias? I picked those sweet smelling gems yesterday. My bush is still hanging full. I thought you would enjoy these arrangements I placed in my house.

I am amazed each time I smell a gardenia, magnolia, mimosa, or rose because if God created THESE then WHAT does heaven smell like?

If we can have such luxuries here on earth, then can you imagine heaven?

That is where my mind goes each time.

2 Corinthians 2:15
For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.

My parents (and my Dad’s Mom) always had fresh flower arrangements in the spring and summer. Yesterday when I visited my parents, their gardenia bushes and magnolia trees were full of blooms. While I was there I filled their home with 3 or 4 arrangements. They also had a fresh arrangement of hydrangeas. That is a happy part of my childhood that is easily reproduced.

My grandmother K always had roses and gardenias. She even kept gardenias in her refrigerator so that the blossoms would last and she could use them later. Smart eh? However, it did change the taste of her food. Ha. That was before plastic bowls & air tight lids. Hmmmm, that might work! (The vase in this last picture belonged to my grandmother.)

On a different note, in case you’re wondering how I’m doing after yesterday’s post … I am still overcoming. The Lord told me yesterday that He is changing old patterns in my life. Ok, that is good ... I can survive this. :o) Interesting how He will use someone controlling and manipulative to push the gunk right out of me (just like squeezing a grape). More gunk was surfacing yesterday.

Isn’t there an old saying that dead (wo)men can’t be offended? Well — I’m thinking my flesh is alive and well. But that is OK. One part of being a Christian is being RESTORED. God sets us free and brings healing.

God loves me and I love Him. Even in this season I am excited. Yes, I might whine when I see some old stuff try to surface, but I’d rather know it is there so some holy excavation can take place!

Have a super blessed Tuesday everyone!