You friends would have to know my husband personally to truly appreciate this post. He is a character folks and I say this with great love: He is as country as a turnip green! (Ha, have you ever heard that saying?) He is what he is … a brilliant man, great business man, but he DOESN’T put on airs. Ok, with this foundation laid, I’ll continue with the situation that happened.

My hubby decided to go see a dermatologist today because he has this spot on his back that is always itching. (Ok, just so you know — he gave me permission to share this.) :o)

When he made the appointment, the receptionist asked if he would like a “whole body exam” since he had never been to a dermatologist. His response, “Yep, might as well cover it all.”

He arrived and entered the little examination room in the back.

The doctor’s assistant said, “Sir, if you’ll remove your clothes and sit here, the doctor will be right in. Place this over your lap” as she handed him a paper coverlet.

My hubby proceeded to remove his clothes (except he left on his ball cap) and sat on the table. What a visual … men! What woman would leave on a hat?

The doctor walked in, froze off some bumps, answered some of his questions and started the exam. She started at his feet and worked up his leg. Then she raised his little paper coverlet and IMMEDIATELY DROPPED IT! She said, “Sir, you didn’t need to remove your underwear!” ROFL!!!! (For those who don’t know — rofl = roll on floor laughing.) WHAT WAS HE THINKING!?!?!? Men shouldn’t go to the doctor without their wives. ha ha

You would have to know him personally to appreciate his sense of humor. He said, “Well, you told me to take off my clothes.” Then he said, “Well, that ain’t a mole, so don’t burn it off.” Sigh … poor FEMALE doctor and FEMALE assistant. I’m sorry to be crude, but that is what my romeo said to the poor women. He said the assistant had to turn around and face the wall to regain her composure. He said the doctor apologized because she had tears streaming down her face (from laughing).

Do you see what I put up with? I almost want to write the doctor and apologize … lol.

So there is a free laugh for you. If only I had a picture of this episode. Well, the part with him wearing a hat on the table. Ha.