Oh dear, it has begun. My little Princess has really been pushing the “I can do it all by myself Mommy” attitude lately.

I know it is great for her to have some independence and do things for herself, but sigh … that means she is growing up even more.

She will be 5 in August and she makes up her bed by herself, brushes her teeth, fixes her hair, cuts up her own pancakes, and NOW — she is wanting to pick out her clothes.

The last step of independence about clothes is the one I have managed to escape until now. She is really agreeable and has never bucked me (thankfully).

Now she is really starting to voice her opinion on which outfit she would prefer to wear. You should also see the hairstyle she has created with a headband — pulling her bangs back and wearing a ponytail. Interesting, yet cute.

She wants to help me cook supper, fold towels, pick flowers, make arrangements, etc … How many of you know that means it will take me almost twice as long to do each chore? :o)

That’s ok. My baby is growing up and it is a good thing. Sniff, sniff, sniff …

My Daughter, by Jullia

You’ll never really know, my dear,
Just how much you mean to me,
A mother’s love, buried so deep,
That only my heart can see.

When I sit and really stare at you,
All I can do is grin,
Somewhere down deep inside,
I see myself within.

I’d never change a thing in you,
I thank God that you’re so fine,
Even when you’re at your worst,
I’m so proud that you are mine.