I am probably going to open up a big can of worms, but I’m curious what others think about the term “Seeker Sensitive” when it applies to church. (Sorry if the picture is offensive to some. I found it and thought it was kind-of funny.)

The term “seeker sensitive” might have a different meaning for each one of us.

Here is my experience with this term. I once belonged to a traditional, denominational church. Along came a new pastor who liked Rick Warren and Bill Hybels. That was the first time I remember hearing this term. It seemed to stir up quite a “stink” with some of the elders at this church. We had one precious deacon/elder who found Jesus at Hybels’ church. I don’t know of many people who are more mature than this brother in Christ. Do I think people get saved in Seeker Sensitive churches? Yes.

I know there are arguments on both sides of the fence. I do have to say that when we moved on to a more “seeker sensitive” church (not where we attend now) it seemed so strange to me. There were props on the “stage” and it just didn’t seem right. Since when was the Word of God not enough?

Ok, don’t get me wrong. I sit in a cushy movie theater type of chair each Sunday. I hear an awesome band that leads me into wonderful times of worship … definitely a setting that is pleasing to anyone.

I guess my personal understanding of Seeker Sensitive is not doing anything that might be too deep or scary for non-Christian visitors. Cutting worship short so that we won’t be in a service too long. Serving more milk than meat — so the babies won’t choke. Again — when was the Word of God not enough? When did “man” know more than the Holy Spirit?

Why do people try to place God in a box? Why can’t we worship until we rise ABOVE our circumstances? Why can’t each meeting be totally led by the Holy Spirit?

Blech. I just don’t get it.

Don’t get me wrong. Is church supposed to meet our needs? NO. We have to be responsible to seek after the Lord each day of the week. Our pastors can never be the Holy Spirit for us.

Jesus never seemed concerned about miracles “freaking out” people. Have you ever read where someone in the bible apologized for praying in tongues? Didn’t Paul say to eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gifts of prophesy (1 Corinthians 14:1)? If we are to desire these gifts, I would assume we should USE these gifts to build up the body (the Church), right?

Did Jesus ever look around to see who might witness him casting out a demon — out of concern that they might not understand?

I think we (men/women) “worry” too much about what others think. God is more than able to defend Himself and handle every situation. If churches fear what man may think — does that mean that “man” has become an idol? Aren’t we supposed to fear God alone?

I greatly desire to see the Church move in what God has for her. I want to see a victorious Bride. The youth today need to understand the supernatural in a biblical way — not through the New Age movement, Wicca, etc …

I don’t know. Those are just some of my thoughts. My friend and I were discussing this so I thought I’d put it out there to hear some feedback. Feel free to share your thoughts — whether you disagree or agree.