Matthew 4:4
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ “

I have been hearing this scripture over and over in my thoughts the past couple of days. I have been drained lately. No extra time (unless I stay up late in the night which I don’t want to do). Our bed isn’t even inviting anymore. I’m just tired. I was tempted to drive to a store about 8pm to find me one of those fluffy mattress pads that would make our bed fluffy and squishy — hoping that would draw me to the covers.

The fluffy mattress pad isn’t going to solve my problem. I’ll tell you the solution: SPENDING TIME WITH GOD.

I can’t imagine how people who don’t know Jesus — who zoom around life without Him — even make it through the day. Surely the gaping hole in their lives feels like a dark vacuum! I’ve only been a few weeks at this pace and I feel like I’m out of balance — out of sorts.

I miss my quiet time. Worship time Sunday morning felt like splashes of cool water on my sun parched soul, but alas — only a splash here and there. I need to be SOAKED.

This week of school groups is almost behind me then TWO WEEKENDS left. Hallelujah! I have been counting down the days until November 1st.

I could share some stories about people and this corn maze. Seriously. We have found several FULL diapers left in our yard, parking lot, and play area. Really? What kind of mother would do that? People throw their trash on our property … just crush bottles and cans on the ground. Really? It amazes me.

I have witnessed a lot these past 6 or 7 weeks. I also see a world who needs Jesus.

We have had some people enter our gates who have said, “Wow, it just feels different here.” Praise God! We have definitely walked in His favor through this endeavor.

My husband had a Hindu gentleman approach him the other night about worshiping our cows. He wanted to have a group come out and present a sacrifice. Uh — NO. Jesus … we ALL need Jesus! How do you reach these people? Hubby told him, “We are Christians” and the guy said, “You don’t have to worship the cows, we will.” Oh dear. The only worship on our property will be to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God bless this man and all who enter onto our property.

So, enough rambling. I must get Princess ready for school. God bless you all.

Psalm 40:16

But may all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; may those who love Your salvation always say, “The LORD be exalted!”