An update on my Mom …

She was supposed to be discharged yesterday to a rehab near her home, but the hospital didn’t contact the rehab first thing in the morning so the bed was given away.  Now the plan is for her to be discharged tomorrow (Sunday) at 2:30pm.

I started a poster for my Mom to bring cheer to her rehab room. You can click on the picture to enlarge.  These are pictures of our family members (and one friend).  All of my Mom’s children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will be present, but I still have 5 pictures to add …

The pictures of my brother and his wife will be picked up this morning and glued to my work of art (ha). 

Please pray that my Mom will have NO CONFUSION in Jesus’ Name.  She is a stroke victim who has been in the same routine since 2001.  This has definitely been hard for her.  I really covet your prayers.

This past week has been difficult so yesterday I actually took a little time to enjoy the pool (in the midst of handling hospital, rehab, and parent calls).  I was thrilled when my hubby took us out to eat seafood last night.  Yum!  I am shaking about getting on the scale.  I have eaten poorly the past 3 weeks and have avoided the scale completely.  Compared to the situation around me with my parents, my weight loss has fallen to the back burner.   

I am looking forward to things settling down a bit around here.  That will happen, right?

This is my rambling post, so bear with me.  :o)  Since you have read this far … would you please do me a little bitty favor and click on this link and “Like” my blog on FB?  Just click HERE.  I certainly would appreciate it.  Really, it will only take a couple of seconds.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone~  Here are a couple of early morning pictures I just took near my deck.

My gardenia bush that I adore …

One of my Mimosa trees.

I wish you could smell this blossom.  Ahhhh.  The tree is humming with bees enjoying their breakfast.

All photos were taken with my iPhone.