Our daughter is growing up way too fast. She will be FIVE this month! Sniff, sniff. While thinking of her birthday — I NEED HELP! Seriously! What can we do for her birthday? I need party ideas and quick. Birthday #1 – family; Birthday #2 – mountain house with friends; Birthday #3 – miserably HOT party outside with bounce house; Birthday #4 – Little Gym … now Birthday #5 and I don’t have a clue what to do. HELP. (Oops — ok, after this posted I decided what to do! There is a historic home in a town near here where the owner hosts “Princess” parties! She provides the costumes, does the hair, fingernails, jewelry, etc … I am very excited! You’ll see pictures!)

Here are some pics from this weekend in the mountains.

(Click on the pics to enlarge.)
This is what I see most of the time: My husband on the phone!

Who needs botox to have duck lips?

Our Princess is such a monkey. Look at that silly face.

Ok, I have an appointment with my hair stylist on Thursday. Wow, my hair is STILL way TOO blond and it sure is long in the back. It looks like a horses mane. I don’t know what to do with my hair. Sigh. I don’t like short hair on me. Oh — and note, HUSBAND IS STILL ON PHONE!

Just so you know, I am starting WEEK 6 of the Couch-to-5K plan! I am pressing through and proving to myself that I can do it! However, nobody warned me that I’d be TWICE as hungry.