My husband was craving some mountain air, so we headed west for a few days.  Little did we know God had us on a special mission.

As we were arriving in town we met one of our friends.  When we asked how he was, he shared that he and his wife were ending their marriage.  Of course we were SHOCKED!  They always seemed so happy together.  They seemed to be two peas in a pod.

We pulled away from our “chance” meeting with me wiping my tears.  My husband and I started to count how many couples have divorced since we married 21 years ago.  In just a few minutes we counted 40 couples!  I HATE the fact that satan has stolen another marriage!

My “Boaz” had the idea that perhaps God had sent us up there to pray for this couple, so he invited them over for a meal.

It is a BIG mess.  Please pray for the protection of LIFES in Jesus’ Name.  God knows this couple and this situation.  Please pray as you feel led.

Thank you!