I have been really busy the past few days! We had our Mother’s Day Tea at my daughter’s preschool. It was super sweet. I choked back the tears as the children sang to us.

Princess made several special presents for Mommy, but here is one that doesn’t have her name on it.

Here she is posing with some flowers she made for me.

Saturday was my Daddy’s 88th birthday! He was given 3 years to live (about 12 years ago). I am so grateful that we’ve had all of this time with him.

I spent Friday afternoon at my parent’s house making this delicious Pineapple punch bowl cake! Yum! If you want — I might share the recipe with you. :o)

Just so you know, if your parents have spilled food in the “catch tray” under the oven “eye” and flames start flying while you’re cooking … POUR SALT ON THE FLAMES! Yes, that happened to me at their house and I almost freaked out! I spent Saturday cooking chicken & dumplings for them — then I fried some okra and some squash. They were thrilled. But the fire & salt thing — great to remember!

I spent my Mother’s Day waiting on others. I should get a DO-OVER for me. Ha. Oh well, I’m thankful to be a Mommy.

On a totally different note:

The winner of the Seed Family Worship CD giveaway is …. GINNY at Faith, Hope, and Tea Therapy! Congratulations Ginny! I used random.org and you were chosen! Just shoot me an email with your complete name and address and I’ll get it to you: [email protected].

Have a great weekend everyone~