I can’t thank all of you enough for praying me through. I am so blessed to have people all over the world lifting up my name, lifting up my family, etc … Thank you!

Yesterday I was able to speak with a women who is happy to help us. She isn’t married and has no strings attached. Her only request is to be able to attend church. God bless her! I am meeting her at my parent’s house Thursday morning. I certainly hope she works out.

Last night as my head hit my pillow my mind began to race. My sister had some serious conversations with my Mom yesterday and I played some of the conversation over and over again in my mind. FINALLY I said, “ENOUGH” and I handed it over to the Lord. I slept the entire night (which is odd for me). What a gift! I usually awaken at 3am for a couple of hours. The Lord took my burden and I slept. Thank You Father!

I’m sure many of you can relate to what I’m about to write. It is so frustrating to have the answers — without the ability to share with my family. Does that make sense? For instance, I know and am learning more and more about bitterness and unforgiveness. It takes a toll on us spiritually and physically. I am praying that God will open a door for me to discuss these things. Unforgiveness, anger, hurt … they mangle us.

Even though I am remembering times of my youth when my parents were strong and secure, and even though I am saddened by their condition now — I still have a river of peace running through me. The tears come and go, but the peace is the undercurrent. God will get us through this just as He brings many others down this path.

Thank you again for your prayers my friends.