I can’t believe it! A friend of mine pointed out that TODAY is my weight loss anniversary. I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT I DIDN’T REALIZE IT ON MY OWN!!!!

A year ago today I began this journey. Boy oh boy have I been on the weight loss roller coaster, but NEVER have I lost this much and maintained for this long.

Before I married, I wanted to lose a few pounds before the big day — so I went to NutriSystem. That was the beginning of yo-yo dieting. Each time I lost weight, but I would immediately gain it back WITH SOME additional pounds. I’m sure many of you have been there and done that too.

This picture disgusted me so much that I finally did something about it!The lady in the picture with me is Lucie. She is the one who told me that Weight Watchers had a plan (at the time — not any longer) called the Core Plan. Before this time, I had REFUSED to try Weight Watchers because I was totally against counting points. The Core Plan was PERFECT for me because it was healthy eating. I can do that! So, after that meeting (where the picture was taken), I looked up this plan on the computer and immediately signed up to participate online. June 2nd was the first day on the plan.

Well, here I am a year later. I am 58 pounds lighter and am even starting to jog a little bit here and there while I’m walking. Now THAT is a miracle! I have never been a runner.

I am thrilled to say that I am finally starting to lose again now that I’m drinking plenty of water. I have around 30 more pounds to go. I can hardly wait to meet my goal.

I’m not doing this for vanity purposes. Yes, it is great that my husband feels like he “has his wife back” (though when he says that it stings a bit), but mostly — I didn’t want to wear my sin on my body for all to see. When we’re overweight, there is no denying it — no hiding it.

If you are in a similar place, be encouraged! With God, ALL things are possible!

The most wonderful thing is this: The Lord said that my weight loss in the natural was only a thimble to the baggage I have lost in the Spirit. Hallelujah!

I hope to continue to share my weight loss victory with you!