I am so sorry this is posting on Sunday! I hit a glitch and now I can’t make it post tomorrow. So don’t panic — it is still SUNDAY! LOL

Yay! Monday is here again! It is time to link with MckMama at My Charming Kids to share some things we would rather not admit. Ha. Sit back and enjoy!

Nope, it wasn’t me! I wasn’t the one who was so busy following the exact measurements of chicken broth that I started pouring it

into the pan ONTO the LID that was COVERING the pan! Can we say A MESS on a stainless steel gas cook top? Did you know if you spill a cup full of chicken broth on the gas flames that they go out?

It wasn’t me who said to my daughter, “I need to hurry and get in the shower” just to hear her say, “You do look kindof dirty” immediately followed with a big grin and “I’m sorry Mommy.” lol How rude!

It wasn’t my husband who set our burglar alarm to “away” before he went to bed (instead of “stay”)! If you have an alarm, you know what happened. The moment I got out of my chair the alarm went off — piercing my ears! It wasn’t my daughter who slept through the entire event. And it wasn’t my husband who stayed in bed — not daring to check if an intruder had come into our home. lol

Not me, I’m not the Mom who told her child she could have a balloon as long as she HELD ONTO IT in the truck! (Famous last words, right?) I’m not the Mom who was concerned that a stray balloon might float in front of her as she drove! What do you suppose happened?!?!?!
Yep! To the back of the Suburban it went! It wasn’t my daughter with the concerned look on her face. Poor thing.It wasn’t MY daughter, nope not my Sweet Little Girl… Aunt Luanne watched our princess for us while we went out with friends. While there, Aunt Luanne showed our princess her new dress that she was going to wear to church on Sunday. Aunt Luanne asked princess, “Do you like my new dress?” and princess said, “Ummmm. NO!” Shocked and wondering what was coming next, Aunt Luanne asked, “Why? What’s wrong with my new dress?” As princess danced around, jumping like a typical 3 year old, she said, “Because it is all butterfly-ie.” Aunt Luanne said, “Don’t you like butterflies?” and princess said, “Well yes, IN THE SKYYYYY, NOT ON a DRESS!” LOL! Ok, so that was MY daughter. I can’t deny it. LOL Have a great “Not Me” Monday friends! To read more NMM posts, click HERE.