Today I link with MckMama at My Charming Kids to share some incidents that would be better unmentioned, but why not … it is Monday ya know.

It wasn’t ME who began to panic at the grocery store! After paying the cashier, it wasn’t ME who looked frantically for her keys just to realize they were already in HER LEFT HAND!

It wasn’t my cutie pie who had this conversation this weekend with some friends at a restaurant. Mr. Justin said, “I sleep in the dog house with Baxter.” It wasn’t MY Princess who said, “No you don’t! YOUR HEAD IS TOO BIG!” OH MY! It wasn’t her parents who wanted to crawl under the table though they could hardly contain their own laughter!

Not me! I wasn’t the woman who slammed her door behind her as she quickly left her house (just to find out that the door bounced back open and ADT SECURITIES notified the police because SOMEONE’S alarm was sounding)!

It wasn’t me. I wasn’t the one trying to get ahead of the game and spring FORWARD an hour BEFORE I went out of town (on Thursday). I wouldn’t be the one who spent all day Saturday one hour off!

It wasn’t ME who broke her last egg while trying to get it out of the carton! It also wasn’t me who DUMPED THE CARTON UPSIDE DOWN over the frying pan and let the egg ooze out! Hey, a girl has to eat!

Oh yeah, it also wasn’t me who was out of LIGHT OLIVE OIL. I certainly didn’t come up with the idea of re-using the olive oil I used to fry cornbread the night before for the EGG I wanted for breakfast. Who would do such thing? Not me. Ha.

Not to offend anyone, but IT WASN’T MY HUSBAND — the social male butterfly — who sat down next to an Amish man at a sale and started chatting. It wasn’t my husband who told him we experienced a church split because “they” didn’t believe women should be in ministry. Ok, wouldn’t he have better sense than to think an Amish man would agree with him? LOL! Of course the sweet man said, “So, do you just throw the bible out of the window? It says for women to be silent.” Oh dear. I guess I should be quiet now ….