Ok, yesterday I mentioned that I had a new weight loss plan. I had no intentions of putting myself out there with this so soon, but since so many have emailed me about it … I will share.

First let me state that I started losing weight June 2008. God truly led me to the Weight Watcher Core Plan. It has been just right for my body and thankfully I released around 60 pounds. I have pretty much maintained my weight for a year (with the exception of gaining around 5 or 6 pounds). Maintaining was effortless and now I know how to eat. This sounds great, BUT I was maintaining too soon. I still have a good 30 (or more) pounds to lose. To look at me, people wouldn’t think I needed to lose that much, but clothes do hide a multitude of sins. But trust me, when I share my weight with people, they agree I’m still not at a healthy weight for my height.

So, then comes my buddy Dani Joy. She gathered some of us ladies in a Christmas Crunch weight loss challenge. I began being more conscious of my food intake and started exercising again. I really got frustrated though because if anything I gained a couple of pounds at first.

Meanwhile, on the spiritual front, God had been dealing with me about FASTING. Do you remember my post about this?

Suddenly He began to connect the dots. Many of you know my buddies Angela (FreeSpiritHaven) and Paula (Hislivingsacrifice). If you know them, you know that Angela has lost 100 pounds in 3 years by not eating breakfast and lunch. God LED HER to do this. She called it the Sacrificial Diet. Then in steps Paula. She and Ang became friends and Paula did some research. She found out that there was actually a program designed by a doctor (Dr. Bert Herring, MD) entitled the Fast-5 Diet and Lifestyle. Paula has been eating this way and has lost 30 pounds (or more), but most importantly has grown much closer to the Lord (so has Angela).

I knew about their eating plans, but honestly — since I was on a plan and it was working for me — I never considered it for myself. At this point the Lord deals with me about FASTING. I use to fast one day a week, but it has been a long time. CRUCIFY THE FLESH — REMEMBER?

I won’t take your time by sharing all of the scriptures about fasting, but there is one in particular that stood out to Ang and has stood out to me.

Matthew 17:21
But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.

Even though God has set me free of many things, I still have something with food that needs to be broken off of me.

With that said, I started watching Paula’s youtubes about Intermittent Fasting (Fast-5 diet). I felt like this was something I should try.

Before you comment and ask questions, take a moment to look at this free eBook written by Dr. Herring.

I started doing this on November 13th. As of this afternoon I have dropped 6.8 pounds. I am grateful! But more than the numbers on the scale, my body has adjusted to eating one meal in the evenings and I can’t eat nearly as much as I did before. The gluttony is being destroyed in Jesus’ Name! Even though I’ve been eating healthy since 2008 — I’ve been eating A LOT.

So the gist of this is … fast all day and break the fast at 5pm.

I have had more energy. That was the first thing I noticed. On Thanksgiving when I had to eat several meals, I felt like a slug — all weighted down. The next morning it was hard to even get out of the bed.

Spiritually, I’ve spent more time praying!!!

I know I’m just dropping this out with bits and pieces, but of course my hubby wants the computer.

If you go to my youtube channel, you’ll see where I’ve been documenting my journey.

Here is my video from today.

If you are interested in trying this for yourselves, please look over the eBook.

I’m sure Ang and Paula would love to share their testimonies with you as well.

Thanks for all of your love and support!