
Mercy triumphs over judgement.

I am so grateful that I have a merciful heavenly Father – the God of all creation!  He, who set the planets into their places, cares about ME and is merciful with ME.

He knows my heart even better than I do.

His ears hear my cries and He catches my tears in a bottle.

Oh how I love my Abba Father!

His beautiful mercies are new every morning!  GREAT is His faithfulness!

He is merciful with me even when I am not merciful with others.  I don’t deserve this great love.




Ah, but Jesus – my beautiful Savior made a way for me to be worthy through His blood!

Now, I am accepted.

I am loved!

I am cherished!

I am chosen!

Mercy …  I love God’s mercy towards me.

Thank You Father!

Today I am linking with Lisa-Jo for 5 Minute Friday.  She provides the prompt and we write for 5 minutes to see what flows out.   Today’s prompt is:  MERCY.

Please click on her button below:

Five Minute Friday