Hi friends, I’ve been so busy lately. Life is flying by and my days have been packed. I have really missed visiting your blogs.

Just a few random things.

I am watching my daughter hide behind her daddy’s chair.

I am really craving some chocolate and feel like I need to get back on track. I haven’t been drinking enough water AT ALL!

My Mom turned 75 today! Happy birthday Mama.

I really love Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit!

I missed going to church Wednesday night. I heard that several people were healed! That is awesome!

I sure would love to have some time to READ.

I was about to say I NEED more clothes, but that is a lie! I don’t “need” but I do only have a couple of outfits that fit. I changed clothes about 8 times before church last Sunday and it even made me late. I finally went in something I hated because I ran out of time. Ha.

Ok … just wanted to touch base. I hope to catch up with all of you soon.