Today Kim poses the following discussion questions at the Internet Cafe:
How would my life look if I no longer struggled with _______?

What if I was completely free from ______ through Christ’s power…
So, this is where I fill in the blanks. Kim and I have the same answer to this question. And before I even reveal my answer, let me say that I am soooo much farther along than I used to be and I can barely even use this word … but I must say … FEAR is my first answer.

HOW WOULD MY LIFE LOOK IF I NO LONGER STRUGGLED WITH FEAR? This nasty little tormentor has stolen too many days from me! For many years I was tormented with panic attacks. It was so bad that I couldn’t function (drive my car, go to public places — church, restaurants, movies, stores — live a normal life). I was so bound and I didn’t have a clue about spiritual warfare. It was my fight to SURVIVE and to find the truth that catapulted me into God’s word! Trust me, God has set me free from MANY levels of bondage!

WHAT IF I WAS COMPLETELY FREE FROM FEAR THROUGH CHRIST’S POWER ... If I was completely free from fear, I wouldn’t hesitate to stand before congregations or stadiums of people and share my heart. I wouldn’t stumble over my words … hearing the “self-talk” of my limited vocabulary, or lack of public speaking skills. I would head off to conferences by myself, even if they were hours away. I would fly all over the world and nothing could hold me back.

Can I just say I hate FEAR?!?!?!? I will find delight in seeing that demon cast into the lake of fire! Joyce Meyer said it right when she said FEAR was an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real! Logically I KNOW this is true. I can say that better than many. Panic attacks were NOT logical and the fear was NOT logical. I saw how satan took advantage of an open door and used a person’s lack of knowledge for his torment! I also learned the hard way that IF you don’t resist the devil, he won’t only STAY, but HE WILL TAKE EVEN MORE GROUND.

Trust me. I KNOW that I have authority through Christ.

I JUST NEED TO RESIST HIM IN ALL OF THESE LITTLE AREAS WHERE HIS IMPRINT REMAINS. It is like his nasty little fingerprints were left in my thoughts … and THOSE THOUGHTS need to be renewed. God’s love is perfect and somehow I need that deep deep revelation in my heart and mind. If I only had heart-knowledge of God’s deep love for me, then no residue could remain.

1 John 4:18 reads, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.”

I know every scripture on fear, trust me. I HAD to stand on God’s Word to rebuild what satan destroyed in my life and it was all I had to keep my sanity.

2 Timothy 1:7 declares, For God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.”

As much as I hate to say it, there must still be some residue remaining. No panic attacks … just nasty residue from the many years of TORMENT. I don’t believe there is a spirit of fear oppressing me any longer, but it is the many years of thought patterns that must go through HOLY filters now.

Kim said that if fear wasn’t a part of her life that she probably wouldn’t recognize herself. I SAID THOSE EXACT SAME WORDS after a dream I had years ago. I dreamed that I heard the VOICE of God. It sounded like many voices in One. He listed several things to me — none of which I could remember, but after He finished — I WAS FREE. I mean SO FREE that I didn’t recognize myself any longer! I know that day is drawing close! Everything else in that dream has already come to pass!

I am glad Kim asked this question because it has stirred up a holy anger within me. It makes me angry when I see areas where the devil still makes me hesitate. Argh!

FREEDOM LORD. COMPLETE FREEDOM! Please give US ALL an overwhelming, deep understanding of your love. So much love that we can hardly contain it!

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