Ok, I have to laugh at myself because I have been raving about a product I have never even tried! Not intentionally — don’t fry me.

Here is what happened. I used “what I thought was a Swiffer Sweeper Vac” at my parent’s house because THAT IS WHAT THEY CALLED IT. Ha. So when I saw one at WalMart and purchased it — I assumed that was the name (since it had Sweeper on the box). Oh dear.

Then I had a comment from a blogger friend who said something about forgetting to put the pad on the bottom of it. Huh?!?!? Mine doesn’t have a pad. THEN IF FIGURED IT OUT.

Ok friends — I have never used a Swiffer Sweeper Vac. It is actually called a Quick Shine Cordless Glide Sweeper! Friends, I AM SO SORRY! That shows you what little attention I pay to details. lol Please forgive me. Especially my friend on here who went out and bought one. Oops. This one is great on carpet. It has little brushes on each side — even the ends.

I feel really bad for misleading you all. Sorrrrrryyyyyy.