There are times I wish I had a private blog to spew all over in my flesh-filled moments, but alas … I don’t.

There are times when I wish I could just name names, but I can’t. Ha. So I guess I’ll just keep speaking in code as I reign in my desire to grumble and complain.

With that said and yet saying nothing (lol) I’ll just thank God for a little old lady in my life. I am grateful for this little old lady even though she can’t seem to leave us alone about visiting a place we intentionally left behind. I pray God blesses this little old lady and keeps her busy with His work so that she won’t be preoccupied with us. Honestly, I don’t know why she continues to invite us to this particular place because it puts knots in our stomachs and makes us all feel so uncomfortable, but she just doesn’t let it stop her. Her way or the highway I suppose. I choose the highway. lol Far away highway.

How was that?

On another note, I met a lady and her family who has moved across the road from us. I invited her to our church, but she doesn’t have a vehicle. We are taking her and her kids with us tomorrow. Please pray God uses this time to bless her and her kids. Sounds like she has had a tough road. She calls herself a backslider.

I tried to visit some of you this morning and it is already 9:40 and I am still in my jammies, no breakfast, no shower. I must get my day started. I really am trying to catch up and I hope to see you soon.

Have a great weekend everyone!