Exodus 33:14
The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Last Sunday, our teaching pastor gave us a homework assignment.   He asked that we read this scripture from Exodus and meditate on it.  During this exercise, we were to ask the Lord to reveal Himself to us.

Our pastor also asked us to write the scripture with the hand we don’t normally write with (to engage the opposite side of our brains).  Uh, that would be the chicken scratch you see in red.   Then we were to draw a scene with crayons or markers that went with that scripture.   My friend thought we were supposed to draw with that hand as well (oops — I didn’t).   This picture was what I drew.

I doubt you can tell, but to the left of my “dirt” path is a mountain.

I just looked at different versions of this scripture and the God’s Word Translation reads:

The Lord answered, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you peace.”

The Good News Translation is different:

The Lord said,  I will go with you, and I will give you victory.

This scripture came to me many times this week.  I needed the reminder that God’s Presence was with me and the He would give me rest.

This was an emotional week for me.   I guess I am walking through the different steps of grief that God has wanted me to do.  I knew I had disconnected (or at least buried) my “love-feelings” towards my parents so that I could do what needed to be done.  I had to be strong for them and operate as the parent versus the child.   This week God placed the idea on my heart to write my parents letters, telling them what they have meant (and still mean) to me.  I had to dig through the crusty layers of protection to reflect on fond childhood memories.

Did anyone else do this when you had to care for someone who was dying?  Did you disconnect your emotions from the situation to survive?

I’m sure God has done me a great favor by having me deal with some of this emotion NOW versus the day when they leave this earthly realm.  They have been intertwined in my everyday life for around 12 years now.

I am grateful for God’s Presence, His rest, His peace, and His victory!

I feel His peace.

I am linking with Barbie at My Freshly Brewed Life for Fresh Brewed Sundays.  This is where she invites us to share a scripture with simple insight.  I don’t know if I followed the rules necessarily, but if you would like to join or read other blog posts, please click on her button below.


Have a blessed Sunday Everyone!