This post will make you snicker. Well, if you are from the south you’ll probably snicker.

Last night I was honored to attend the high school graduation of my niece, NIKKI. This girl is a NC Scholar! WTG Nikki. We are so proud of you!

Did Aunt Beth remember to bring her camera?!?!?! NO! (Do I EVER forget my camera?) Sheesh. Therefore, this picture IS NOT from her graduation.

Now, this is the eye-opening funny part. We drove about an hour away, but we may as well have jumped into a different time zone. It was like stepping back into my high school days. Country music and bar songs echoed off of the football field as we awaited the arrival of the graduates. LOL I mean songs that talked about drinking beer, smoking, and sex. My husband and I were cracking up! Isn’t the world politically correct now? Do we encourage teenagers to partake in such things? Ha.

Let me tell you that my niece has endured this school after moving to this area a couple of years ago. She is about as liberal and artsy as they come — NOT a born and bread redneck country girl. It was culture shock for her. Ok, let me clarify — she is a country girl, but she isn’t a redneck. There is a difference.

One day when my sister was taking her to school, they passed another high school kid with something dangling behind his truck. (Ok, all animal lovers, skip this part.) He had a “possum” (opossum for you city slickers) — dead of course — tied by a rope to the hitch on his truck. It was bouncing down the road on his way to school. What?!?! Who does that?

Ok, back to last night. Even though the high school administration asked people not to do “cat calls, hoot, holler, etc …” — everyone DID and it was fun. People had cow bells and air horns. They whistled and screamed. It made the kids feel special and broke up what would have been a boring service. Not to knock THEIR service, but unless you have time invested in the school — most services are boring.

Anyway, this high school kicks “behind” in football! They don’t play around folks.

It was just funny to step out of our cultured, snooty area. Ha. Honestly, people forget where they came from around here. It seems like most people could drown in a heavy rain (you know — noses so high in the air). It definitely brought the old saying, “She’s gotten above her raisin'” to my thoughts. Ha.

Hubby and I were laughing at the thought of the next graduation we will attend this Thursday night for our nephew. We have been forewarned that if people “holler” or make any noise, they will be escorted out and the graduate won’t get his diploma. (Something like that.) I know that they want to get all of the graduates out in time, but somehow I just feel like people need to loosen up a little.

What a contrast in cultures.

My husband said if he had to choose a school where the kids could defend themselves, he was going with the country school anytime. Those were his type of folks. I have to agree.

Do any of you remember the lyrics from Hank Williams, Jr’s “a country boy can survive?” That was my hubby’s point. If he had to put the two schools against one another — we know who would have the grit. Ha.

That is one of the many things about my husband that has always made me feel secure. He is a hunter — he can shoot anything or anyone who might want to harm our family. If there is ever a food shortage, he would know how to kill something and prepare it for food. Yay for my country boy!

Anyway — I guess you had to be there, but besides being EXTREMELY happy for our niece — we had a great time at the graduation.