It is time to link with Alicia at More Than Words to share our pre-digital pictures! Woo hoo! I really must get out the scanner and find some different shots to share, but I’m almost certain that you haven’t seen this one yet.

The following picture is of me and my grandmother who I was named after. No, not Elizabeth, but DELLA. Yes, you’ve got it. But I dropped Della when I married. It was my first name, but I never went by it and it was just “there” … ya know?

I’m all legs folks … can you tell? Grandmother Della was my Mom’s mother. She was always a fancy lady. I never saw her when she wasn’t dressed nice and full of jewelry. She was the last of her siblings and she had accumulated a lot of the family jewels. The ring that now replaces my engagement ring was her sister Malvina’s ring. My Mom insisted I start wearing it last July (for my bday) and my husband was gracious enough to let me move my wedding ring to my right hand. Anyway, for you NC natives, my grandmother was raised in the mountains of NC — West Jefferson. Her mother ran a boarding house once her kids were older and out of the home.

For more Friday Photo Flashback photos, be sure to visit Alicia HERE.

(Ok, here is where I would have Angie’s button of the Lion of Judah, but it kept giving me some type of error message, so it will be missing today.)

Since I participate in at least two Friday Memes, I thought I’d combine them. Wow, talk about going from fun to serious.

I am linking with Angie at Free Spirit Haven to share prayer requests.

Right now, I have to be honest and say that other than my personal requests, the condition of our country is at the forefront of my thoughts. I don’t know how you feel about prophesies, but I recently saw one that somewhat clicked in my spirit (if that makes since). Of course the bible says that we all see in part, and we definitely have to weigh things and listen to the Holy Spirit. With that said, I heard a prophetic word given by John Kilpatrick. There is no other way for me to share the video other than sending you there. Please click HERE if you would like to watch it. John was a guest on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural.

We really need to pray that President Obama doesn’t try to persuade Israel to sell part of her land. President Obama … God help him. God help America. I know that He has a plan and perhaps I should want America to be turned over to perversion and the anti-Christian sentiment so that Jesus will return SOON, but on the other hand, I have a daughter and I want her to have FREEDOM and a peaceful life. I know the USA is just a little part of the world community, but it is the little part I live in and I can’t stand watching what happening around me.

With that spewed out (sorry) … please pray.

On a selfish note again, please pray for my parents.

Thanks friends. Sorry for such a strange post — Photos to Prayer & Prophesy. Ha.

Have a great weekend!