It is my privilege to link with the Internet Cafe to share God’s Word with a photo!



Unless you have been a slave, you can’t appreciate what it means to be free!

I was once a slave!  I was a slave to a cruel master.  One that would not set me free.  He tormented and taunted me 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.  There was NO mercy on his part.  I awakened with anxiety in my belly and yearned for sleep to escape the hellish reality I faced each day.

Can we all say together, “BUT GOD”

Hallelujah!  My DELIVERER said, “Enough!”  My Redeemer showed me the way.  I took shelter in the Strong Tower and was safe.

God set me free and I can share with you how I overcame the grips of the devil.

I am FREE indeed!

For more Word-Filled Wednesday posts and for another serving of God’s Word — click HERE.

(Photo Credit:  That is my arm and my lipstick.  Ha.)