Today I link with Amy at Signs, Miracles, and Wonders to share a song that touches my heart.

I chose LOVE CAME DOWN by Brian and Jenn Johnson.


Verse 1

If my heart is overwhelmed and I cannot hear Your voice
I hold onto what is true, though I cannot see
If the storms of life they come, and the road ahead gets steep
I will lift these hands in faith, I will believe

I remind myself of all that You’ve done

And the life I have because of Your Son

Love came down and rescued me
Love came down and set me free
I am Yours
I am forever Yours

Mountain high or valley low
I sing out and remind my soul
I am Yours
I am forever Yours

Verse 2

When my heart is filled with hope, and every promise comes my way
When I feel Your hands of grace, rest upon me
Staying desperate for You God, Staying humbled at Your feet
I will lift these hands and praise, I will believe

This week I found my Mom in bad shape.  It has been a tough week where she is concerned.  So yesterday was spent in a frantic race to make arrangements to get my Mom home.  That is her heart’s desire.   Please pray for her as you read this.

Even in the midst of what was difficult.  Even though this isn’t a path I would have chosen — God was there and He was guiding my steps.

Mountain high or valley low
I sing out and remind my soul
I am Yours
I am forever Yours

Yes, Lord!  I am forever YOURS!  I love you!
Click on the button below to visit Amy and find more music that will lift your soul~



Also linking with Peggy at Amazing Grace: Mazes, Messes, Miracles for Soaking on SONday. For more posts, visit Peggy by clicking HERE.
