It is so easy to lose focus sometimes.  Especially where there are so many people pulling me in different directions.

I know my life is not my own.  It was purchased by Jesus with a great price.  But when people demand of my time, He seems to be the one who loses quiet time with me.  Oh, wait — there is actually quiet time?  Well, not lately anyway.

My phone rings constantly and the emails pile in.  Remember, this is our corn maze season and though it is such a blessing — I find myself whining.  (Father, please forgive me.  I really am grateful.)  I just need two of me to get everything done.

I am in a busy season, so I multitask.  For instance, I may be headed to do one thing and then I see something else that needs to be done.  I stop to do THAT and then I have to remember what I was originally headed to do.  Ha.  Is this a Mom thing?

I can’t begin to tell you everything I was able to accomplish yesterday!   God truly gave me an extra ability to accomplish what needed to be done.

A n y w a y …. FOCUS.

Even when my focus seems to be on 50 things at once, God has my heart.  I would rather spend my time focusing on Him.    He is the One who captures my gaze.  He is the One who draws my heart.

Though everyone seems to want a piece of me and my time, my heart belongs to Him.   Somehow I need to find some time during the day to focus on Him alone.


You may have guessed it.  Today is 5 Minute Friday.  Lisa Jo provides a prompt and we write about it for 5 minutes.  No forethought, no editing … just writing to see what flows out.  Today’s prompt is FOCUS.

Would you like to play along?  Just click on her button below and join us.

Five Minute Friday

(photo credit)