I am honored to be the recipient of the Fabulous Blog Award. Thanks to my friend Toia at Designer’s Original. If you haven’t met Toia, please check out her blog.As a recipient, I am required to confess 5 things I am addicted to then pass this award along to 5 other fabulous bloggers.

Ok, this will be humbling. Ha.

I am shamefully addicted to:
1. Blogspot
2. Facebook
3. CHOCOLATE – I don’t care if it is Weight Watcher chocolate or the real thing!
4. Dr. Phil’s show
5. The Doctor show

Now I will pass this award on to 5 of my bloggy friends:

Alicia at Confessions of a Snowflake
Lori at Vintage 2 Creations
Candy at Steele (the day)
Nancy at ~Southern Lady~
Melanie at Words of Wisdom

I’m sure these sweet ladies would love for you to visit their blogs.

Enjoy your award my friends!