Hi Friends!

I almost forgot to do the drawing for my wonderful giveaway! Oh dear! So, I had an awesome time at church, served my family a delicious lunch, and now I’m going to make someone happy!

But wait, before I do that (the suspense … hee hee), I MUST thank Sheila at Meditations and Confessions of a Woman Found!!! I was the recipient of a precious necklace that she made. Isn’t it beautiful? THANK YOU DEAR SHELIA!!!

I also must thank dear Stephanie at Life is a Miracle for the very generous $25 gift card to WalMart! Yay!!!! I am such a blessed woman! Thank you Stephanie!

Ok, so back to the drawing. To make sure I didn’t get confused, I wrote out each person’s name with a number (since some comments had more than one comment). :o) Then I used random.org to choose the winner!

The blessed winner of a great price from The Pink Polka Dot is Elizabeth at Elizabeth Embracing Life! Congratulations Elizabeth! Just take a peek at the giveaway post and let me know which PRIZE you would like (along with your initials, name, saying — whatever you’d like on your item). Also email me your full name and mailing address and I’ll get the ball rolling.

Thanks everyone for participating in my giveaway!