I promise, my posts about the corn maze will be drawing to a close very soon!

We only have one more weekend besides this one — THEN CHRISTMAS TREES will abound.

After almost 2 months of “mazing” I FINALLY had a chance to go through our two mazes last night!   Last year’s maze was good, but THIS YEAR’S MAZE IS AMAZING (pardon the pun).

No wonder people pay money to enjoy a family outing like this!  I especially enjoyed it at night because it was cool and more mysterious with the flashlights.

All of our guests have said that we have “out-done” ourselves this year (thank You Lord) and now I see why.


Here are some pics of our adventure.  We have 10 checkpoints within two mazes (10 acres of corn) and we only found 6 (because my daughter was tired).  I am going to conquer this maze before the cows make it their dinner!



My friend Tami was dressed like she was in Russia.  I think she was COLD.

The corn is TALL!  Especially in the 2nd maze.

We even ran into some of our neighbors in the middle of the field.

Lovely shot, but having fun.

Finally Tami decided it was time to drive outta there.

If you live in our area, be sure to check out our maze.  We only have two weekends left.  We close at the end of Oct. 30th.

Have a super blessed weekend everyone!