Sing for Joy!

Sing for Joy!

Today I’m linking with the Internet Cafe to share God’s Word with a photo. I decided to use a picture I took in our back yard a few weeks ago with the beginning of Psalm 96:12. I am convinced that every part of creation sings praises to God.  I can only...
He lights my path!

He lights my path!

Today I’m linking with the Internet Cafe to share God’s Word with a photo.    I chose a picture I took last weekend at our house in the mountains.  I immediately thought of this scripture when I saw the beams of the sun hitting these stepping-stones....
Deny His Voice?

Deny His Voice?

I am linking with the Internet Cafe to share God’s Word with a photo.  I also wanted to connect it with an analogy that just played out before my eyes. Yesterday my daughter and I had to add a lot of pine shavings to our chicken pens due to the amount of rain in...
His Heart

His Heart <3

I love linking with the Internet Cafe each Wednesday to share God’s Word with a photo. Proverbs 27:19 As water reflects a face, so a man’s heart reflects the man. I thought I would place this scripture with this photo.  What a precious heart for a manly man to...


I am linking with the Internet Cafe to share God’s Word with a photo. This is a blurry photo of my Princess playing restaurant.  Even though the quality of the picture isn’t the best, the smile makes up for it. Ephesians 6:7-8 Serve wholeheartedly, as if...
What are you eating?

What are you eating?

Today I am linking with the Internet Cafe to share God’s Word with a photo. I know I’m being silly in the photo, but the scripture is one you read often in my posts.   Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it...